New Zealand

The Never-Ending Flight

21 total hours of travel time is seriously no joke: NC > TX > NZ.  And as a first timer on an overnight flight in economy, it was rough (although finding out that adult beverages were free was a welcomed surprise).  Here are a few things that we learned:


  1. Comfort is key. Athleisure wear is your friend.  You do NOT want to be stuck on a 15 hour flight in pants that are too tight.  Leggings and layers, y’all, leggings and layers.
  2. Bring extra socks and slip-on shoes for the plane. But for the love of all that is holy, do NOT walk around the plane in just socks.  Seriously, just don’t
  3. Hydrate.  Hydrate.  We love the plastic 1 liter Lifewater bottles.  We save a few empty ones just for traveling and fill them up after we pass through security.  They are lightweight and easily replaceable if you happen to lose one.
  4. The window seat is not always best. On long hauls, we prefer the aisle seat.  More room and less hassle when you need to get up and stretch or use the restroom.
  5. Try to get some sleep even if you don’t think you are tired. Don’t watch all three Lord of the Rings like I did (I couldn’t help myself).  You will regret it when you land.